A hard-boiled but gentle-souled private investigator takes to the rain-swept streets of the Pacific Northwest. Experience nineteen unforgettable radio thrillers - including three more installments of the 'War Comes to Harry Nile' storyline - in this authorized collection of capers starring Larry Albert as Harry, with Pat French and Mary Anne Dorward as Murphy. Produced by modern-radio legend Jim French, this collection features cases set in the 1940s. A hard-boiled but gentle-souled private investigator takes to the rain-swept streets of the Pacific Northwest. Series: THE ADVENTURES OF HARRY NILE KVI - SEATTLE LOCAL PRODUCTION SUSTAINED DIRECTOR/WRITER: Jim French (who also did CRISIS STARS: Phil Harper TOWER. That's The Adventures of Harry Nile.Produced by modern-radio legend Jim French, this collection features cases set in the 1940s. Now imagine that this has been combined with all of the technical polish that twenty-first-century audio theatre techniques have to offer.
Imagine radio noir in the grand tradition - the mystery, excitement, and adventure of the medium's Golden Age.